
目前显示的是 四月, 2022的博文

What is Proteinase K?

A common question that we hear is "What is proteinase k?" Many of us aren't aware of the enzyme's role in DNA extraction, or even the buffer used for its lysis. This article will address the basics of proteinase K, how it functions, and the buffer itself. In addition, we will discuss the benefits of this enzyme in the context of dna extraction. proteinase k The active center of Proteinase K contains two distinct functions. One is the hydrolysis of peptides. The other is the recognition of substrates by the catalytic site, which contains two peptide chains. Both catalytic and substrate recognition sites are conserved from the subtilisin family. The central beta-sheet of Proteinase K is a stable structure that contains two calcium binding sites. The enzyme has been used extensively for protein digestion, RNA purification, and genotyping. Its mutants gain broader pH and temperature range and increased specific activity. Large scale recombinant preparations of Proteinase